Our lambing season is over. Overall it had pretty significant challenges that taught us a few things, kept us late at night looking for some answers to problems, pushed us to network with more people, reminded us that raising sheep does offer its fair share of challenges. The truth is that nobody likes to talk about problems in animal husbandry or farming. Personally I learn by asking a lot of questions to a lot of different people, then I cross-think information and go from there. Paul is a DVM and sees things in a very scientific, medically driven way. I tend to work a lot more with my intuition. Together we make a pretty good team in front of difficulties.
This being said, we had an awesome crop of AI lambs (born at the end of January). We had a lot of ram lambs and a couple of adorable ewe lambs. We are very excited to see some of our lambs, mature ewes and a yearling ram go as starter flocks.
The lambs born in January are big and show some nice curls. I do not really try and sell my lambs until they are a few months old. I like to wait and see how they mature and I will only sell what I feel good about putting my farm name behind.
Our lambs get socialized quite a bit. I spend a lot of time around the barn and the garden as well as the children do. At some point within the next month we will start halter training them to get them ready for the Black Sheep Gathering.