We are gearing up for another summer on the farm! School is out which means that Peter will be my helper and so will many of his friends and peers. Romain and Lea will be with us in July too!
These are the highlights of our summer:

Lots of playdates, which involves jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath, eating popsicles, making popsicles, playing in the mud kitchen, building forts, but also being hot, going to bed way too late and being tired, being bored and even sometimes being cranky.
Skinfell class with Anette Skoog, Saturday June 29th, 10 to 4 at the farm with a great group of folks (some shepherds, some fiber artists, some locals). Homemade Lunch on the farm. There are still a few spots available.
Preparing and going to the Black Sheep Gathering, July 4th through 7th.
Halter training lambs.
Seeding and planting starts, which means staying on top of watering.
Harvesting for our CSA
Keeping animals watered and moving pastures
Bringing in hay, and orchard grass
July and August camps (for kids, with a variety of seasonal activities). There are still a few spots available.
Working on felted soap inventory and pillow making using pelts and fabric. Steep learning curve on the pillows!
Planning breeding/scheduling breeding with AI technician
Hosting dinner parties
Attending Friday night concerts at the local wineries
Putting food away for the winter
Going camping
These are a few of our summer activities!
Schedule your visit to the farm to see the workings of a micro-farm and its small flock of Gotlands!