Greetings friends,
Today is harvest day! Please consider visiting the Spencer Creek Growers Market at The Spencer Creek Grange tomorrow from 10 to 2.
Right now there is a lot of produce, beautiful flowers, many crafts, as well as baked goods. I will be selling zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, leeks, onions, and of course French filet beans AKA haricots verts. I will also have bundles of lavender, and I always have wool available.
This week also I will have some of Barbara’s fantastic eggs, dark chocolate colored eggs from her maran hens, olive colored eggs from her olive layers…..
This week also, I will sell Rachel’s beautiful bouquets, from Forest Gardens, as well as garlic, basil and potatoes!
So bring a basket, support your local small farms, chat a bit with your neighbors, sit for a while and enjoy some music!
And thank you for following us!