We have had a busy start to the summer getting lambs ready for the Black Sheep Gathering, putting a lot of produce in CSA boxes, taking kiddos to the local pool and to the climbing gym, processing and making food and enjoying friends and family!
Our Gotlands did really well at The Black Sheep Gathering, which is encouraging for our breeding program. We got some nice feedback from the judge. We are seeing some nice well defined curls and some shine and silkiness to the wool. There are still some irregularities in the color and curls but in terms of Gotland in the US we seem to be on the right track.
Our goal is to keep striving for the Swedish Gotland look. This year we will try to get even closer by using Swedish semen from the 2017 import (you can view the rams at http://gsbana.org/imported-genetics/swedish-rams-2017/). We will also use a back up ram bred and owned by Carol Ronan at Ronan Country Fibers, a ram lamb by SW Lindholmen.
ATF Hamish, yearling ram (a grandson of Mr Big and Fattings Aron) won 1st place in the yearling ram class and reserve champion of the Gotland rams. He was sold to Blue Mist Farm in Enumclaw, WA.
ATF Iris, ewe lamb, sired by SW Sindarve Frodo AI, won 1st place in the senior ewe lamb class as well as grand champion of the Gotland ewes. She will stay at Appletree Fram in our up breeding program.
ATF Irene, ewe lamb (a granddaughter of Mr Big and Fattings Aron) won 1st place in the junior ewe lamb class as well as reserve champion of the Gotland ewes. She will stay at Appletree Farm in our up breeding program.
ATF Inigo Montoya (a grandson of Mr Big and Fattings Aron) won 2nd place in the junior ram lamb class. He is for Sale.
Our juniors had a great show as well. The showmanship class was a great introduction to showmanship: very positive and enthusiastic! Nils Skoog and ATF Ivan (a Grandson of Mr Big and Nestor) won 1st place in the juniors longwool breed.
ATF Ivan is For sale.
At Appletree Farm we are all about education! This last week end at Black Sheep Gathering was a step forward in educating ourselves with the Gotland breed (thank you Anette Skoog for judging the Gotland class and giving many talks on Gotland selection, and thank you Gotland breeders) and with sheep showing (thank you Black Sheep organizers for your hard work in making this show possible)
Stay tuned! Contact us and come for a visit. Reserve your 2018 lambs now!